Agraria Journal
The Agraria Journal is a bi-annual magazine produced by our organization that includes stories about Agraria’s work and topics related to regenerative practices, climate mitigation, ecological restoration, as well as showcasing the impact of our many programs and partners.
Please contact us to reserve your copy or for questions or comments.
Click the Journals Below to Read the Recent Digital Versions:
Winter 2022
Writers in this issue turn our attention to land access, one of the biggest challenges facing beginning and small-scale farmers. Here in these pages is a call to not only protect farmland from ever encroaching development but also to recognize the intersection of land access — and land loss — with issues of social justice, equity, and caring for the earth. You'll also find information about the work we do at Agraria to regenerate the land and our bioregion.
Thanks for taking the time to read Agraria Journal. And if you'd like to comment or write a letter, please send your thoughts along to ahackett@agrariacenter.org.
We'd love to hear from you!