Groups build coalition to create regenerative agriculture system in Midwest
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Written by Reginaldo Haslett-Marroquin, Regeneration Midwest
(note: Community Solutions is a member of Regeneration International, the parent organization of Regeneration Midwest.)
On June 28 – 29, about 50 people representing Midwest farm and farming-related businesses, nonprofits, investors, and economic development officials gathered in Northfield, Minnesota, to identify next steps toward formalizing the goals and launch of Regeneration Midwest (RM). RM is a 12-state regional coalition organized to serve as the foundation for transitioning five core sectors of the food and agriculture system from the current industrial model to a regenerative model.
RM came to life in late 2017, and has since been evolving as a platform for scaling up models that address the three pillars of regenerative agriculture: social, ecological, and economic regeneration. The coalition originated from the poultry-centered regenerative agriculture design pioneered by the Northfield-based nonprofit, Main Street Project. Similar to other organizations throughout the country, Main Street has built a successful, workable, and replicable model for re-designing the way poultry is raised. (See the related story on the cover of this issue.) The system delivers a diversity of food products that can be produced and branded under a regenerative standard, with poultry at the center.