Posting for our friends at Tecumseh Land Trust:
It’s never too early to think about spring! What do you need to thin out of your garden? Too many coneflowers or black-eyed Susans? What native perennials would you like to add to attract more of those so important pollinators? Thinking of reducing your mowing time? Perhaps you could use some native ground cover!
If this sounds appealing, then mark your calendar for TLT’s Earth Day Plant Swap, Saturday, April 21, 10 AM – 3 PM. The swap and sale will be at the TLT office, 4633 US 68 North, Yellow Springs. You can bring your native seedlings, grasses, forbs, shrubs, and flowers that day, or drop them off earlier that week. If all you want to do is clear out some plants and share them, that’s good too.