Soil, Seed, & Soul
Date: January 14, 2023
Time: 3-4:30 p.m.
Location: Virtual
Fee: $10
Join us MLK weekend as we lift up the legacy of the phenomenal story of George Washington Carver, his lifelong work as a botanist & master of regenerative farming. Led by Omope Carter Daboiku, Agraria’s Story & Media Artist, this engaging, virtual training will provide educators, parents, librarians, historians, and others with the information they need to teach about George Washington Carver in time for February’s Black History Month. Participants can expect to consider George Washington Carver and his legacy through biography, geography, history, botany & agricultural sciences. In addition, participants will learn about the impact that he has had on regenerative agriculture today and the future plans for the George Washington Carver Farm at Agraria. Curricular materials aligned with state standards will be available. Participants may request a certificate for 1.5 contact hours upon completing this training.
Omopé Carter Daboiku
Known as Mama O or O.C., Omopé Carter Daboiku, is Agraria’s Story and Media Artist. A native of Ironton, in what she calls “southern southern Ohio,” she identifies as an Appalachian of mixed heritage. She migrated to Cincinnati in 1972, where she spent 30 years and made a name for herself as a storyteller, performance artist, educator, and writer.
George Washington Carver
George Washington Carver was a renowned African American agricultural scientist, educator and humanitarian in the early 20th century. Among other accomplishments, Carver developed a diversity of crops and methods for regenerating land depleted by cotton production.